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Weight Loss – Exercise or Diet? – The great debate

Weight Loss in the workspace

Now, Canada Food Intolerance is not going to preach to you about what is better. Trust us when we talk about weight loss, there is no definitive answer. The thing that I am intrigued about is why there are so many hot takes out there.

People seem to be vociferous about their opinion. One toned, slim, Instagrammer preaches about wanting to “lose weight by exercising” whereas your local slimming world rep will tell you “it’s all about the diet”.

Exercise or Diet – what do we know about weight loss?

Well, I am here to tell you what I do know.

Processed food is bad for you – but you know this right?

High fat low nutrition is bad you for – I’m sure you know this too?

So, in my experience working with past clients, diet is the beginning. By diet, I don’t mean Atkins or low carb I mean a balanced, low fat, high nutritious diet. Not only is this replenishing your body, but it is replenishing your mind.

Exercise or Diet for your mind.

You see your mind plays a major part in realising your goals. Nutrition has links to fatigue and lack of clarity. How many times a week do you hear your alarm blurring and you wake up feeling fully refreshed and reinvigorated? I’m guessing the answer is low – but with a balanced nutrition rich lifestyle, this can be gained. This will then enable you to run headfirst into your training regime with less of the “I’m tired I’ll go tomorrow.” And in the words of the great Ronan Keating, “tomorrow never comes.”

Replenish your mind to enable you to replenish your body. Achieve weight loss today with a food intolerance test.

Mind Body and Soul… In that order ???? Keep seeing these phrases? Hopefully, it sticks in the mind. Canada Food Intolerance really believes in this mantra.

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Fad Diets – why the negativity?

Atkins Diet, Paleo Diet, Keto Diet……………….

Diets can come in many forms and guises. From low carb diets to fat burners, people can become exasperated with the choices on offer. Before and after shots of peoples weight losses holding newspapers to confirm dates, are littered next to people’s stories of “failing” to maintain the diet plan. The wagon has had so many people fall off, someone should question when the MOT is due, surely?!

Diets are Unique

Diets are not a one size fits all, they are there to educate, improve and support you in your everyday lifestyle.

The issue with the “fad diet” is they are designed for maximum results over a short period of time. Stories of 10lb weight loss in a week are not conducive with a healthy lifestyle. Finding your body’s, and as importantly, your mind’s balance is the key to a long-lasting weight management programme.

The next time you research the next fashionable weight loss programme ask yourself these questions;

  • Can I maintain this for 6 months?
  • What are my aims?
  • Do I feel supported?

Don’t pressure yourself. Remember diet doesn’t have to mean weight loss, it can mean healthy lifestyle.

Mind Body and Soul………………….In that order ????