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Building your own Healthy Environment

Take an intolerance test in the workplace

Here are 5 steps to improve your wellness in the workplace. We’ll be honest upfront, alongside all of these we do think you should get intolerance testing from Canada Food Intolerance to ensure everyone is happy in the workplace;

Walking helps ease intolerance symptoms1) Institute Walk and Talk Meetings

There are many ways managers can improve meetings, this is includes making them more dynamic.

There’s no hard and fast rule that says all meetings must take place in an office. With everyone seated around a table. For smaller meetings, such as employee one-on-ones, consider instituting a walk and talk policy.

Walk and talk meetings aren’t some new fad. Many well-known visionaries such as Steve Jobs, Aristotle and even Sigmund Freud were known to take their meetings on a walk.

Walking is one of the best ways to improve cardiovascular health, it reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke and improves balance, muscle strength and endurance. Physical activity is also known to boost creativity and innovation, ensuring your meetings will generate new ideas that (hopefully) lead to successful results.

Healthy workspace with a healthy mind. 2) Encourage Desk Exercising

Working in an office can be incredibly sedentary. On average, people spend around 10 hours a day sitting—this doesn’t include the time spent sitting at work.

In recent years studies have shown that sitting for long periods of time can be incredibly harmful. Prolonged periods of sitting can cause weakening in muscles, increase body fat around the waist and result in higher blood pressure.

Employers can help fight the negative effects of long periods spent sitting at a desk by educating, encouraging and building in time for employees to take small breaks. Get up and stretch and even, yes, do some desk exercises.

Leg planks, shoulder raises, even simple stretches can help break up the monotony and danger of too much sitting. Breaking for two minutes every half hour to do a simple exercise improves both physical and mental health. It gives the eyes a break from starring at a computer screen.

Intolerance testing enhancing sporting prowess3) Organize a Workplace Team

What better way to encourage physical fitness, engagement and teamwork than organizing a company sports team?

A company sports team is fun, breaks down team silos (meaning employees across multiple teams get a chance to interact and build relationships), and improves communication.

There are so many options available for team activities—football, netball, badminton, table tennis, any activity really. Creating “work leagues” or “championships” with a reward-based scheme can encourage participation.

A workplace team is a great benefit for current employees. This is a fantastic way to seal the deal with potential new recruits.

Person relaxing outside

4) Minute Mindfulness Breaks

Mental health is just as important as physical health. Work-life can be stressful—deadlines, big presentations and coordination and communication with multiple teams can take a toll on our stress levels and anxiety. Your business can help employees alleviate stress by encouraging them to take five minutes or so a day to focus on mindfulness.

Mindfulness is a great way to help a person focus. It can rejuvenate the mind, release tension and reset us to attack our work in a healthy, productive way.

Have a listen to a few of the podcasts available at Canada Food Intolerance for assistance on creating a good environment for your mind.

Regardless of what you offer, recognizing the importance of handling workplace stress, and providing employees with a safe way to do so will support and improve your staff’s mental health.

Exercise and Intolerance testing can benefit you

5) Competitive Step Tracking

A little workplace competition can be the perfect way to encourage your employees to get up and move. There are a variety of free apps (iPhone and Android) available that help people count their daily steps.

Put together a competition to see who can achieve the most steps in a month. You can make it an individual or a team competition. But remember, all competitions must have an incentive. Some sort of reward that makes the effort worthwhile.

To win, staff should be encouraged to take the stairs. They should walk during their lunch breaks. Sometimes even get off a stop or two early on the subway if they take public transportation to work.

Many people don’t look at physical activity as being fun. As an employer, you can help build positive attitudes towards better health in the workplace by showing your staff how much fun it can be.

Intolerance Testing for the workplace

Thinking about intolerance testing for your workplace in Canada, take a look here.

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Elderberry for immunity 


Elderberries and their flower are packed with antioxidants, in fact, in folk medicine Elderberry is considered to be the most healing of all plants. Though there are over 30 types of elderflower, the Sambucus Nigra variation found in Europe is most closely tied to healing and boosting the immune system. 

Reducing inflammation and alleviating stress are two of Elderberry and Elderflower’s more popular qualities and has also been used as treatment for a number of ailments including respiratory infections. As we all know by now, Covid 19 affects the upper respiratory tract and can exacerbate existing respiratory conditions, resulting in some case in Pneumonia. Therefore, protection of this system is crucial to protect us at this time 

Introducing Elderberry into our diet may have some immunity boosting effects and can be found in supplement form and can be difficult to ingest it in its natural form as processed forms of Elderberry are found more widely in the food industry.  


As with all new supplemental additions to your diet, check with a health professional before taking Elderberry in large doses. It can have a diuretic effect so drink plenty of water with it and avoid if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.  

Elderberries are also high in Vitamin C, which as we have already established, has been widely used to treat the common cold by supporting cellular functions of the immune system, directing immune cells to the site of infection and defending these cells from free radicals.  

Extracts of black elderberries have been used in studies to confirm the positive effects it can have on the severity and length of influenza. Subjects found a significant improvement in symptoms, after just 2-4 days, whilst those without Elderberry took between 7-8 days to see any improvement at all. 

The Elderberry is packed with antioxidants, in fact, the anthocyanins and flavonoids in Elderberries have 3.5 times the amount of antioxidant power of Vitamin E, and we know these to be hugely beneficial to us and that they help prevent chronic disease.  

One particular study showed that Elderberry polyphenols produced more white blood cells, which in turn supported the immune system offering it more stability.  

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Meat vs Vegetarian

With more people choosing to eat a meat free diet than ever before, what are the benefits and disadvantages of being either a vegetarian or a meat eater? Anyone thinking about making the change from one to the other, should ensure they consume the relevant nutrients to keep their system healthy and avoid deficiencies.

Getting the right amount of protein is a common concern of anyone going meat free. It is common knowledge that meat is protein rich. Protein is vital in the bodies healing process and to produce enzymes, hormones and must be consumed to maintain bone, cartilage and produce skin and blood. Lack of protein can lead to skin, hair and nail issues such as alopecia or even make your bones more prone to fractures. That said, here are many protein-rich foods which vegetarians can use to replace meat. In fact, many meat replacements have added protein to help these people meet their daily requirements.

Finding alternatives to meat

Pulses, soya beans, quinoa, nuts, seeds and eggs are jam packed with protein and are often used in meat free cooking. Dairy foods are another way to meet your protein needs, but of course, there are many who need to avoid dairy, if they are choosing to eat vegan or have an intolerance to lactose or dairy.

meat vs vegetarians

Eating a diet which includes meat may be great for protein levels, but it can be rich in saturated fats. Vegetarians typically eat more fruit and veg then someone who includes meat in their diet, but it doesn’t necessarily mean all vegetarian diets are eating healthier. Fried foods, cheeses, bread and dressings can be full of fats and high calories, so cutting out meat alone is not necessarily going to give you the health kick you may be looking for.

In fact, keeping meat in your diet in moderation, as with any foods, can be hugely beneficial. Just watch out for anything fried, or with a high fat content to keep your system as healthy as possible.

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Vitamins for mental health

The effects of poor mental health can be felt not only by those who suffer, but their loved ones, friends, and co-workers of the sufferers. We are fortunate to be in a society which is taking more and more notice to the needs of those who have a daily struggle with their mental health. But other than breathing techniques, exercise, and meditation, what natural remedies are there for anxiety and depression?

Deficiencies of vitamins and minerals have been linked to depression and anxiety, so maintaining a healthy and balanced diet can help but when poor mental health strikes, this can prove difficult. Some food stuffs are known to eliminate B vitamins, such as, nicotine, caffeine, alcohol and refined sugars, so a B Vitamin supplement is certainly recommended. In particular, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B1 (thiamine) and Folate have all been linked to aid depression directly.

St John’s Wort is a common herbal anti-depressant used by various sufferers of poor mental health within Europe and has also been found to have anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and antiviral properties. It works in a similar way to medicinal anti-depressants by increasing the production of serotonin and noradrenaline, which regulate our mood. Although some have found St John’s Wort to be beneficial to them, it can affect other medications so always consult your doctor before taking this in any form. St John’s Wort has been favoured by some health professionals as its side effects are far lower than those of the medicinal alternative. That said, there is very little evidence from research to prove the positive effects of St John’s Wort.

Vitamins are linked to mood regulation, research has shown that taking Vitamin D supplements have had a positive effect on depression. In fact, one study showed that lower levels of Calcidol were found in subject suffering with anxiety and depression. Calcidol is found in the breakdown of Vitamin D within the body. Plenty of exposure to the outdoors is vital for the production of Vitamin D as the body cannot produce this itself, during the winter months, Vitamin D supplements are vital for nerve and brain health.

Another element not produced naturally by the body, only obtainable from the diet, is Omega 3 Fatty Acids. Studies have shown Omega 3 Fatty Acids can also help those who suffer with anxiety and depression. It can be consumed in supplement form or from mackerel, salmon, seabass, oysters and sardines.


Small amounts of research have been done into the effects of Magnesium on anxiety and particularly those who are prone to the condition. Although the quality of the evidence is poor it seems it may be beneficial. Magnesium is found in most multivitamin supplements on the market due to how necessary it is for a healthy system, but can also be found in spinach, black beans, whole wheat, quinoa, almonds and dark chocolate.

Although not recommended for long term use due to the lack of studies on it, Valerian Root has been used successfully in treating those with anxiety for the short term, particularly women after menopause.

Chamomile is widely known for it’s calming effects, particularly recommended to aid good sleep, and it is for this reason that it has been used to ease anxiety. Chamomile is a daisy-like flower used in ancient medicine usually consumed in tea form, essential oils or supplements and, so far shows no negative side effects.

Much like Chamomile, Lavender is also known for its sleep aiding qualities and therefore can have calming effects on those with anxiety and panic attack sufferers. Predominantly in essential oils, lavender is used in various aromatherapy practices globally and is helpful to pregnant women as it is all natural.

Supplementing our diet can be the best way to really enable us to live a healthy and balanced lifestyle, but given that there is proof this can also have a huge positive effect on us mentally, there’s no time more crucial than now to really consider adding these vitamins into our diet. This will really boost our health and give ourselves the very best chance of a long and fruitful life.