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Fad Diets – why the negativity?

Atkins Diet, Paleo Diet, Keto Diet……………….

Diets can come in many forms and guises. From low carb diets to fat burners, people can become exasperated with the choices on offer. Before and after shots of peoples weight losses holding newspapers to confirm dates, are littered next to people’s stories of “failing” to maintain the diet plan. The wagon has had so many people fall off, someone should question when the MOT is due, surely?!

Diets are Unique

Diets are not a one size fits all, they are there to educate, improve and support you in your everyday lifestyle.

The issue with the “fad diet” is they are designed for maximum results over a short period of time. Stories of 10lb weight loss in a week are not conducive with a healthy lifestyle. Finding your body’s, and as importantly, your mind’s balance is the key to a long-lasting weight management programme.

The next time you research the next fashionable weight loss programme ask yourself these questions;

  • Can I maintain this for 6 months?
  • What are my aims?
  • Do I feel supported?

Don’t pressure yourself. Remember diet doesn’t have to mean weight loss, it can mean healthy lifestyle.

Mind Body and Soul………………….In that order ????